Crowns & Bridges in Richland, WA

If you've ever had dental issues or concerns, you may have come across the terms "crowns" and "bridges." At Midtown Clinic, we offer these two dental treatments that are commonly used to restore damaged teeth, improve their appearance, and enhance oral health. 

What are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are custom-made coverings that are placed over a damaged or decayed tooth to restore its shape, size, strength, and appearance. These versatile dental restorations can be made from various materials such as porcelain, metal alloy, or a combination of both.

Benefits of Crowns

Crowns are a versatile dental solution that offers numerous benefits for people with damaged or decayed teeth.

  • Restore oral strength and functionality: One of the main advantages of crowns is their ability to restore the strength and functionality of a tooth. When a tooth is severely damaged or weakened, a crown can provide added support and durability.
  • Improves the appearance of teeth: In addition to strengthening the tooth, crowns also enhance its appearance. Whether you have discolored or misshapen teeth, crowns can be custom-made to match the color, size, and shape of your natural teeth. This means that once your crown is in place, it will seamlessly blend in with the rest of your smile.
  • Durable and long-lasting: Another benefit of crowns is their long-lasting nature. With proper care and maintenance, a well-fitted crown can last for many years without needing replacement. This makes them a cost-effective option compared to other dental treatments that may require frequent repairs or replacements.
  • Protects teeth: Crowns also play an important role in protecting weak or cracked teeth from further damage. By covering the entire visible portion of the tooth, they act as a protective barrier against bacteria and oral debris that could lead to infections or additional decay.
  • Quick and painless procedure: Furthermore, getting a crown is relatively quick and painless compared to other dental procedures. The process usually involves two visits – one for preparing the tooth by removing any decayed portions and taking impressions for customization and another visit for placing and cementing the permanent crown onto the prepared tooth.

Dental crowns offer multiple benefits – from restoring function to enhancing aesthetics – making them an excellent solution for individuals seeking long-term dental restoration options. So, if you have damaged or compromised teeth, consider discussing with your dentist whether crowning could be beneficial for you!

Procedure for Getting a Crown

When it comes to getting a dental crown, the procedure is fairly straightforward. It usually involves multiple visits to your dentist's office. First, your dentist will start by preparing the tooth that needs the crown. This may involve removing any decay or filling material from the tooth. The tooth will then be shaped and resized so that it can accommodate the crown properly. Next, an impression of your teeth will be taken using dental putty or a digital scanner. This impression will serve as a guide for creating your custom-made crown.  While waiting for your permanent crown to be made in a dental laboratory, you'll be fitted with a temporary crown to protect the prepared tooth.  Once your final crown is ready, you'll go back to your dentist's office for another appointment. During this visit, the temporary crown will be removed and replaced with a permanent one. Your dentist will check its fit and make any necessary adjustments before cementing it into place.  Getting a dental crown requires careful planning and precise execution by both you and your dentist. But once it's done, you'll have a strong and natural-looking restoration that can last for many years with proper care!

What are Dental Bridges?

If you have missing teeth, dental bridges can be a great solution to restore your smile and improve your oral health. A dental bridge is a prosthetic device that literally bridges the gap created by one or more missing teeth. It consists of two crowns on either side of the gap, with an artificial tooth (or teeth) in between.

If you're looking for an effective way to replace missing teeth and restore both function and aesthetics, consider getting a dental bridge. Your dentist will guide you through each step of the procedure and help determine if this treatment option is right for you.

Benefits of Bridges

Bridges are a popular dental restoration option that can bring numerous benefits to patients. Here are some of the advantages of getting a dental bridge:

  • Improved appearance: Dental bridges are designed to fill in gaps left by missing teeth, giving you a natural-looking smile. By restoring your complete set of teeth, bridges can enhance your facial structure and boost your self-confidence.
  • Restored functionality: Missing teeth can make it difficult to chew and speak properly. Dental bridges help restore proper bite alignment and improve the overall function of your mouth, allowing you to eat and speak with ease.
  • Preserved oral health: When there is a gap caused by missing teeth, nearby healthy teeth may shift into the empty space, leading to misalignment issues. The placement of a bridge prevents this from happening and helps maintain the integrity of surrounding teeth.
  • Durable solution: With proper care and maintenance, dental bridges can last for many years. They provide a long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth compared to other options like removable dentures.
  • Enhanced oral hygiene: Unlike dentures, which need to be removed for cleaning, dental bridges can be cared for just like natural teeth – through regular brushing and flossing routines.
  • Aesthetic appeal: Dental bridges blend seamlessly with your existing teeth, ensuring an aesthetically pleasing smile. They are custom-made according to your tooth color and shape so that they appear completely natural.

With these benefits in mind, consulting with your dentist about whether dental bridges are suitable for you is essential. Your dentist will evaluate your specific needs and recommend the best treatment plan tailored specifically for you!

Procedure for Getting a Bridge

The process of getting a dental bridge is relatively straightforward and can typically be completed in two or three visits to your dentist's office. During your first visit, your dentist will examine your teeth and gums to determine if you are a suitable candidate for a dental bridge. They may also take X-rays or impressions of your mouth to help with the treatment planning.  If you have any decayed or damaged teeth that will support the bridge, they will need to be prepared by removing some enamel from these teeth. This step ensures that there is enough space for the crown portion of the bridge to fit securely over them. Once the tooth preparation is complete, an impression of your mouth will be taken using putty-like material or digital scanning technology. This impression serves as a mold from which the dental laboratory can create an accurate custom-made bridge. While waiting for your permanent bridge to be fabricated, you may receive a temporary one to protect the exposed teeth and maintain their alignment during this interim period. On your final visit, once the permanent bridge has been crafted, it will be carefully checked for fit and aesthetics before being permanently cemented into place using special adhesive materials.

Getting a dental bridge can restore both function and appearance, allowing you to enjoy eating comfortably again while confidently showing off your smile!


Whether you need a crown or bridge will depend on your specific dental condition and treatment goals. It is important to consult with your dentist, who will assess your oral health and recommend the most suitable option for you. Remember that both crowns and bridges require regular oral hygiene maintenance, including brushing twice daily, flossing, and attending routine dental check-ups. Having good oral health habits will help prolong the lifespan of these restorations so they can continue serving you well for years to come!

So, if you're experiencing tooth damage, deterioration, or loss, don't hesitate to explore the possibilities offered by crowns and bridges. They can not only revitalize your smile but also improve your overall quality of life.

If you are interested in learning more about dental crowns and bridges, call Midtown Dental Clinic in Richland, WA, Suite 199352 at (509) 946-1678 and schedule an appointment.


750 George Washington Way,
Richland, WA, Suite 1 99352

Office Hours

MON8:00 am - 5:00 pm

TUE8:00 am - 7:00 pm

WED - THU8:00 am - 5:00 pm

FRI7:00 am - 2:00 pm

SAT - SUNClosed